General information

In order to ensure supervision coordination for Eurodac, representatives of the national data protection authorities and the EDPS each  acting  within the scope of their respective competences, cooperate actively and meet usually twice a year in the framework of the Eurodac Supervision Coordination Group. The national Data Protection Authorities represented are those of the 28 EU Member States, as well as those of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. The Group is currently chaired by the Swedish DPA, with the Bulgarian DPA as Vice-chair.

Members of the Group cooperate and meet at least twice a year to:

  • exchange  relevant  information; 
  • assist  each  other  in  carrying  out  audits  and  inspections; 
  • examine  difficulties  of  interpretation  or  application  of  the  Eurodac legal framework; 
  • study   problems   with   the   exercise   of   independent   supervision   or   in   the   exercise   of   the   rights   of   data   subjects; 
  • draw   up   harmonised  proposals  for  joint  solutions  to  any  problems  and  promote  awareness  of  data  protection  rights.

A   joint   report   of   activities   shall   be   sent   to   the   European   Parliament,   the   Council,   the   Commission  and  the  Agency (eu-LISA)  every  two  years.

More detailed information about the Eurodac SCG can be found on its website.

Information on the exercise in the Republic of Poland of the rights of individuals whose data are processed in the Eurodac can be found on the website of the Office for Foreigners.

2018-08-08 Metadane artykułu